Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Days 28-29 ~ 3 Counties Equine Hospital

The past two days I have spent helping out at 3 Counties. I've been doing lots of jobs such as grooming, keeping the yard clean, the store room stocked, grazing horses, and helping to restrain for injection and radiographs. We had several exciting things come in such as a horse that was badly colicing, but due to the severity of his colic and his age (19) the owner opted to humanely euthanize him. We also had an interesting case in named Randy. He was a very cute gypsy vanor horse who had inflammation of the bowel and pitting edema. I helped to hold him, while they took several scans and biopsys to figure out what was causing the inflammation. I was also able to practice leg and tail bandages yesterday. Then today, I watched several lameness exams (helping to develop my eye) and I got to be the handler to walk and trot the horses up to trot-ups for the Dr. to observe. I watched several tendon scans and helped out with many radiographs! I also saw a terrible jaw laceration that came in this morning. The horse had decided to try for the greener grass on the other side of the fence and caught herself on the gate bolt. The laceration was so deep I could fit my thumb through it! After taking xrays to make sure there was no bone damage, they sutured up the whole and inserted a drain to drain out the huge hematoma that had formed.
I found out about the horse that I had helped out with the colic surgery last week. He unfortunately had coliced again over the weekend and did not make it. In this aspect, Veterinary work as any field of medicine can be really tough.
I got to skype with Brad and my parents a bit last night and have a relaxing evening reading. Tonight I plan on getting some laundry done, hanging out with friends and hopefully finishing my book! Only 13 days left! I am excited to get through this week because I have a lot of events occurring such as going to the fair on Friday and then leaving for London for the weekend! Unfortunately, my ticket request for the War Horse show did not go through because the show is sold out for the next 4 weeks!!! Incredible, but disappointing. Maybe it will come to New York some time and I can catch it? Oh well, we'll still have a good time :)
I'm also excited to return home to the hot weather and all the exciting things that are going on! I enjoy travelling, but 1) not for longer periods then 1-2 weeks and 2) I prefer to travel with friends/family. Those are some lessons I've learned. But I'm still really proud of myself for coming over here and trying it out all by myself. I definitely don't regret the trip, but I'm glad to be going home. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers! Stay tuned~


  1. When we lose a patient, no matter the species, it does hurt. One of the things that I have always found comfort in is having the ability to make that hard decision for pets, something we cannot do for our human patients, family, or friends. I strongly believe this is one of the greatest gifts we give to animals who are suffering. You will, no doubt, go through this many times as your career moves forward. It never gets easier, but we can find something good, something comforting when we help those at the ends of their lives, both humans and animals. I know, I have been there for both.

    As for your traveling abroad, again, kudos to you for taking that step! You have had some incredible experiences that will help shape the Vet Tech you are, the one you will become.

    I do agree that traveling with family is better than traveling alone. =)

    “We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” – Jawaharial Nehru

  2. kac, I am so sorry you won't see the play, I know you were really looking forward to that! Maybe we can catch it in New York someday! It sounds like you had a good day today! Praying for you!!

  3. I hope you're not looking forward to too much hot weather... it's been cold here lately! Maybe it will warm up upon your return. =)
