Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 25 ~ Three Counties

Today was another good day at the Three Counties Equine Hospital set at a relaxing pace. I grabbed a bite of breakfast, checked the canine water treadmill to make sure I didn't blow up the system (or at least see if it leaked all over the floor which it hadn't), and then caught up with my driver to take me to the hospital. I brought with me today a Hershey's chocolate bar and everyone loved it! Then I began my developing routine of scrubbing buckets, restraining horses for treatments, and taking them out for 10-15 minute grazes. I was able to help with several interesting cases today. One sweet thoroughbred mare has a paralyzed palate and so a tube has been passed up her nose so that she can breathe. I'm not quite sure how they plan on treating the paralysis, but I helped Dr. Claire flush out her nasal tube this morning to make sure it wasn't getting clogged with mucous and drainage. The horse's name is Ulette, and she does not like to have her tube flushed - who would? Another case is the foal who had the plasma transfusion. This is her 3rd week here at the hospital with her mum and she is doing very well!!! However, she has developed a terrible ulcer on her eye that is huge! We have been medicating it every two hours 24/7 and it is slowly improving and getting better. Maybe she will regain her sight in that eye. The third case was a foal that has the worst case of scours that I have ever seen (spewing diarrhea leads to dehydration and malnutrition and possibly death). So we are giving her supplements and keeping a close eye on her nursing and health condition. She is several months old already which is in her favor. Still, she and her mum are being kept in the isolation stalls far away from the other foals to prevent the spread of bacteria. After lunch, I helped out by filling syringes with local anesthetic, and I got to watch a lameness exam. 3 counties does a lot of lameness exams! Sometimes, if I squint hard enough, I can see what they're talking about. I guess it requires a well-developed eye that takes time to learn. After my driver picked me up, I returned the the therapy center to help Vicky clean up the yard for the day. Then we went to supper, I finished and returned the first Twilight book, and then watched a movie with Tudo and Mike. For the rest of my evening I will be skyping with Brad, reading the second Twilight book, and hitting the hay! It's Friday! This weekend should be relaxing as well! I'll be scribing for another judge at tomorrow's dressage show, then hopefully I'll make it into town for a little shopping. On Sunday, I plan on going to my first Rugby game in Gloucester (Gloucester vs. England Saxons, I think) and then to church in Tewkesbury in the evening! Only two weeks left, wow!!!

1 comment:

  1. Kacie, sounds likea great day!Tommorrow you will have fun in town,an seeing the game! Your time is flying by!!love you!! mom
